
I took this photo a couple of weeks ago, while I was walking on the seafront. It was a sunny Easter Day, the sea was calm, and that blue sailed boat was coasting along lazily, tacking parallel with the shore. I'm really pleased with the picture, the outlook I mean. There is something tropical about the sea when it's viewed through trees and shrubs, it's as if I'm on a desert island watching the boat warily - is it rescue, or is it peril? The whole idea puts me immediately, and firmly, in Robinson Crusoe territory. The 'romance' of being stranded on an island, living on my wits, eating coconut and herring, sleeping in a hammock, wearing a grass skirt (that's got to be itchy, right?). And then....and then one day I spot a footprint in the sand. I'm not alone. I've never actually read the book, so all of my experience of the story comes from the 1964 TV version, that had the most glorious theme tune, and a handsome Crusoe. It was escapist kids televisi...