
So. Snow. We woke up this morning and the world outside was blanketed in it. When I say 'we' I mean us on the the south coast of England. If you don't live in the UK you may not fully appreciate the enormity of us Brits waking to find that snow has fallen in the night. In essence it means the country grinds to a halt. It's like a public holiday, but without any warning, or the themed special offers stacked high in the supermarket. It only takes a smattering of the stuff and our trains stop running (although they're on strike anyway at the moment), and our postal workers can't get through to deliver the letters (although they're on strike at the moment too), the roads become impassable (the gritter lorries can't get out of the depot because of the icy conditions), and everyone generally thinks "Fuck it, let's just take the day off work and head to a local hill with a tea tray toboggan." Just don't end up in A&E folks because I actual...