St Vitas and St Claire

I recently tweeted a Dorothy Parker quote, 'I hate writing, but I love having written.' and I admitted agreeing with her sentiments, so I feel I should explain and qualify. 

I have trouble sitting still. I can't sit through a film on TV without hitting the pause button several times and leaving the room on some mission or other. I'm restless by nature so sitting down for long periods in order to write is difficult for me. It's why I choose to write longhand, in pencil, in a notebook. I can move from chair to sofa and from living room to kitchen in a continuous round. When I get fidgety I move on. If I write at my computer then I'm confined to the kitchen table which becomes unbearable for me after an hour or so. This, of course, makes typing up what I've written in longhand an arduous chore. And when I'm faced with hour upon hour of re-writing and editing it's equally daunting. I should add that while I find the physical act of writing a challenge I really enjoy the creative part of the process, the story building.

I may have found a solution to my problem in my sister, Claire. She has offered to type up my next manuscript for me. She'll print it out and hand it back to me for re-writes and edits which I can do, in pencil, whilst sitting on the sofa, then on the chair by the window, then at the kitchen table.


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