twenty minutes

It's been three months since I last posted anything here, but that's a good thing. I've realised that I can spend my time blogging or I can spend that time writing my story and I've been story writing. I've now completed the first draft of Part Two (as I think of it). As I've mentioned before I'm back working full-time so have much less spare time now to devote to writing. Days off are spent catching up with family and friends, doing chores, tending my vegetable plot, all the stuff that everyone does to keep a life ticking over. So I find writing time in the mornings after breakfast and before leaving for work, in the evening while dinner is in the oven. Twenty minutes here and there is all I find but over the days and weeks that adds up. Those twenty minutes are hard won and I'd much rather spend them on the story than on blogging. So if all is quiet here then that's a good sign.


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