
Now I'm not normally one to recommend products publicly (unless they are Moleskine notebooks) but I have to go on record singing the praises of a piece of software called Calibre. It's free. Go get it now.

It's a little miracle machine. I feed in the pages of my story (in a .doc format) and it spits out an eBook. I repeat the process with a jpeg image for the cover and I get an eBook with a photo cover. Bloody fantastic. I turned my story into a PDF, a .mobi file for Kindles and an .epub version which I can read on my Kobo.

My very own eBook, with cover, in my Kobo library snug between Asimov and Conan Doyle. Oh happy day.

ps I also (in a very small way) helped to fund The People's E-Book on Kickstarter, as I saw it as, perhaps, an investment in my own future. Well done to Hol Art Books for getting this project funded. It's another miracle piece of software that'll turn my pages into eBooks. I mean to try it out in due course.


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