brick wall

Things came to a complete halt recently when my work-life pattern changed and I couldn’t hold on to my writing routine. Unfortunately for me it’s a frail thing my writing routine, I seem to spend an awful lot of time establishing one and it’s never nearly robust enough to withstand external forces.
This time I hit a brick wall. Horizon to horizon and there was no quick and sneaky way around it, though I wasted a lot of energy looking. I tend to need long interrupted hours to produce work. I need to know I have the next two days clear of other commitments. Unlikely indeed. I know the value of only 30 minutes writing time each evening and the pages that could produce, but I know it in theory only. I never seem able to follow that plan. So I’ve had to find pockets of time in my days off. Cram chores together, make them an afternoon pastime, leaving mornings clear for writing, I write much better first thing.

So, jaw set, I have climbed up and over the brick wall. Returning to read what I have written so far was all the leg-up I needed. The story is good, the characters are strong and I’d left some of them in dangerous situations. They deserve a much better end than to be abandoned in a half empty notebook in the back of a drawer.

There will be more brick walls, there are always more brick walls but I’m determined to carry this story up and over the ones that lie ahead.


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