#amwriting 1

I Tweeted this earlier, 'Turned up at the empty page and filled six. Happy day. #amwriting'

I've begun writing Book 3 and it's going well. I have seven chapters under my belt, although my chapters tend to be shorter affairs than most. I'm happy. I'd been circling my opening scene like you might circle something small, furry and unmoving on the pavement, unsure wether to prod it to see if there is any life in it or to assume it is dead and walk on.

In my head I couldn't find the voice of a new character I've introduced. When I finally sat down to write the scene, assuming I'd have to leave blank spaces where I hoped to bring him to life later, he arrived fully formed. Hal Scarrot, teenage, street-smart thief. He'll need work, of course he will, but he's joined the cast now and I'm pleased to have him.

Some author, and I'm annoyed that I've forgotten who, said that if you want to be a writer you just have to turn up at the empty page. At times in my life when I've struggled to write I'd have hissed at such easy advice but now I fully appreciate the wisdom of it. Just turn up at the empty page.

Book 2 goes not so well. Actually that's not true. Book 2 is written, done. What doesn't go so well is its publication. I've got to do all the technical stuff to it before I can upload it. Stuff like formatting, link creation and making a Nuclear Copy. It's like science homework. My head hurts.


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