angry post
That's it! I've had enough! The reason this blog suddenly has a new look to it is because I bought a new iPad. A dream purchase. I'm thrilled with it, generally. Except it won't Bluetooth with my phone, or my wireless speaker, and I can't add extra storage, or anymore buy cheap music from the Google store. But apart from that, perfect. Oh, and another thing. It hates Blogger. The trouble I have typing here in anything other than the default font you wouldn't believe. All my previous posts were typed in Arial, my Android tablet was happy to choose it and use it but my iPad? No. It takes me umpteen attempts, most of which fail. It just ignores my choices or the screen freezes on me. If I had any hair I'd tear it out. So for the sake of my mental wellbeing, and in order to continue posting here, I'm giving in to it and going with the default font. Grrr.
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