my numbered days

This post could be read in conjunction with angry post below.

I've just spent the past four hours trying to upload a photo from my new iPad onto this blog. I couldn't manage it. I tried every trick that I know and then spent a very long time looking for forum posts on the topic, time I could have spent writing several blog posts. Finally I find a forum discussing the fact that you cannot upload photos from an iPad to Blogger. I don't believe it. Someone else suggested that in fact it is possible but you have to use the Blogger app. I go to the iTunes Store. No Blogger app. It is no longer available at the iTunes Store. I can hardly believe this either.

My angry post detailed my frustration that I'd bought an iPad and it no longer allowed me to do certain things that my old (cheap) Asus tablet had allowed me to do without any problem. To that list can now be added, my iPad won't allow me to blog as I want to. This brings much anger, sadness and frustration. I guess I have two options available to me 1) leave Blogger and move to WordPress. Although I will then have the daunting task of trying to figure out how to export this entire blog over to them, a task I don't relish. 2) trade in the iPad for another tablet, a cheap piece of kit that will actually do the things I need it to. It's a drastic choice but I'm angry with Apple and this seems the more easily accomplished task.

I am so disappointed with this iPad that I'm using. It seems almost impossible to transfer anything onto it, I've had trouble with both photos and music, and just as difficult to send anything from it to another device, even other Apple ones. From my research it would seem that I need to buy a MacBook and then I will have no trouble using Airdrop or creating my own personal hotspot in order to swap music and photos between devices. Of course the MacBook would cost me about a grand and so that is out of the question. Also, I object to being handcuffed to Apple in this way, and having to buy another of their products in order to have even one of them work in even a basic fashion. I already own four of their products and it seems unbelievable to me that they have to exist in isolation from each other, unless of course I upload my entire life into the iCloud.

I suspect this problem I now have with Blogger is down to a feud between Google and Apple (I like a conspiracy theory). Apple don't want me using Google products, of which Blogger is one. Anyway, it would seem that if I wish to continue to blog here I will have to do so without uploading anymore images. So I guess my days here are numbered, unless I check out the new range of Asus tablets.


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