muddy dragon
I've hit a real hitch. My latest story is written and is being edited now (self edited - yes I own a fine toothed comb). I've been feeling good about the whole enterprise when, boom, out of nowhere I see a book cover that torpedoes my heart. It's the book's title that actually poses a problem for me. It name checks its main character in the title, an uncommon name which, unbelieveably, I've also given to a main character in my story. W.T.F? I'd not seen this book before, so it is a complete coincidence. I might have thought 'Ah well, whatever.' and still gone with the name if the book in question had been a little backwater publication, but it isn't. It's had great reviews, I notice, and some prominent publicity - which makes it all the more weird that I'd not seen it in bookshops or online thus far. Anyway, the upshot is that I have to find a new perfect name. A difficult, fraught, exasperating process which you'll know all about if you've ever had to throw out a character name that you've been happily living with for the best part of a year. My search for that new name starts here...
On a lighter, brighter, happier note, I read on the BBC News app that an almost intact skeleton of a previously unknown species of dinosaur has been discovered in Asia. It had been preserved in mud, feathered wings outstretched, where it had almost certainly become stuck and died, over 70 million years ago. It has been given the name Tongtianlong Limosus, which translates as 'Muddy dragon on the road to heaven.' How delightful, poetic and rightly perfect is that for a name?
On a lighter, brighter, happier note, I read on the BBC News app that an almost intact skeleton of a previously unknown species of dinosaur has been discovered in Asia. It had been preserved in mud, feathered wings outstretched, where it had almost certainly become stuck and died, over 70 million years ago. It has been given the name Tongtianlong Limosus, which translates as 'Muddy dragon on the road to heaven.' How delightful, poetic and rightly perfect is that for a name?
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