second star on the right

I've never read Peter Pan and I don't think I've ever seen the (Disney) film either; though I did once sit through the awful Hook, starring Robin Williams.

Strolling through Kensingston Gardens earlier this week, however, I came upon this bronze statue of Peter Pan. I guess I knew it was there somewhere but wasn't really expecting to see it where I found it. It was a gift to the gardens from author J.M. Barrie, and the boy who never grew up has been in residence here since 1912. It's a lovely statue, with Peter atop a tree stump with woodland creatures and fairies around his feet. He doesn't look anything like the Disney version, thank heavens, he maybe most resembles Christopher Robin from the Pooh stories, or perhaps they both look like regular Edwardian boys, straight out of the nursery, with mops of hair and smock tops. Boys who believe in the magic and mystery of childhood.

When I got home I picked up a copy of Peter Pan and began to read. I thought I knew the story, but I really don't. Peter has surprised me again.

Photos are the author's own


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