happy endings

I've got reservations. Not the type that'll get me into a swanky hotel, but reservations about my story, as a trilogy, and more specifically the endings of each story. And it's daft, but I worry that neither Parts 1 nor 2 have a proper ending - and don't even ask about my fears for the ending that I've crafted for Part 3.

With a cool head, I realise that endings in parts 1 and 2 of trilogies are, by their very nature, open, otherwise how would the story continue? So, I suppose, my worries are more about whether the endings, though open, are satisfying. I believe that I've ended each one in a good place, plot wise. Something has been achieved, the task that has occupied the characters has been completed (a monster slain, if you like), while another path has opened up before them. And this is how it should be, isn't it? An ending, of sorts, and then a continuation. It's not an easy line to walk in a satisfactory way, but I think I've done it well enough. I just have those slight, nagging reservations that I'm going to have to learn to live with. 


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