birthday cake

Today is the last day of my fifties. Tomorrow I'll blow out sixty candles on my cake, as I enter a new decade. So I've been doing an inventory of the last ten years. This taking stock is something I'm prone to do on a New Year's Eve usually, I mull over the previous 364 days and count up my high points, my high days and holidays amidst the humdrum, just to prove to myself that I do manage to achieve goals that I set out to reach, that I do join in and contribute, that I don't spend my entire life plugged into Netflix, it just mostly seems that way.

Obviously, with a decade to consider, there is a lot more road in the rearview mirror, but don't worry I'm not going to rehash it all here. Suffice to say, there was a big change of location and career, some of those sought after highs, and some low points; neither more, nor less than you might expect really. I also formulated a plan for my future, which is a novelty for me. But the thing that stands out, the thing that I'm most proud of is the fact that I wrote, and self published, my stories. That was a promise I made to myself that I had to work really hard to keep, and I'm so pleased that I did. For me, that is the cherry on top of my decade.


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