
It is seems wilfully obtuse to put up a post here and not acknowledge what's happening in the world right now. I was going to write about moving home, which I will be doing in a couple of weeks time; moving county, moving from an island to the mainland. I will probably write about all these things in the coming weeks but it seems besides the point to write about them now.

Having said all of that I'm not sure what I want to say about what's happening. I could get very angry and rant about how the British Government is ploughing its own dangerous furrow when it comes to responding to the emergency. It's gone full Brexit in ignoring everything other European countries are doing or, in fact, doing the opposite. If they have closed it, we have kept it open. While they are still testing people, we have stopped. It seems bloody minded, and perverse in the extreme - but then that's Boris Johnson in a nutshell.

Someone suggested I should take the opportunity to promote my John Mann books, being set in a world that has been ravaged by a virus that killed a lot of the population. But that seems a rather distasteful thing to do. And why would people want to read a fictional account of such a thing, when they can switch on the news and hear all about it happening in their own neighbourhood.

I've avoided panic buying in the supermarkets too, because that also seems selfish and wrong, but this may come back to bite me when I run out of baked beans and there are none to be had in the shops anymore. In fact, I've found it very difficult to know how to respond to what's going on. The official line is 'carry on as normal, we'll inform you when you need to start panicking' and yet Johnson has already told us that many families will lose loved ones. We've been told to employ social distancing, but also told to continue going into work. Told to wash our hands thoroughly and often, to prevent transmission, whilst also being told that the government are hoping for a 60% infection rate in order to produce 'herd immunity.' It's all very confusing, and my abiding worry is that I'm being used as a guinea pig in a very dangerous medical experiment.


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