life in lockdown 2

One of the few silver linings of this lockdown malarky is that the pace of life has slowed down. The frenetic pace of life that we were expected to maintain, which was quite frankly exhausting, is something that I don't miss at all. Now I can move around the house and garden at my own pace. I can study the flower borders to see what's happening down there at ground level. I can study the pots in the greenhouse, where I have sown chilli, tomato, courgette, squash, basil and coriander seeds. I can check them at hourly intervals. I am learning the art of patience. I can sit on the garden bench and watch, and listen to, the song birds squabble at the feeders. I can study the buds on the apple and almond trees, and make note, every day, as more of those buds burst open, and the trees are gradually covered in pastel pink blossoms. I can also take the time, with my small fishing net, to catch and release all the flying insects that trap themselves inside the conservatory, I've got it down to a fine art. I did start a head count of all the honey bees, bumble bees, hover flies and butterflies that I rescued, but soon lost count as the numbers increased dramatically. Today I rescued a female Orange Tip butterfly (only the male has the orange tips). Apparently they are a rare sight. And what a stunning sight. That camo design/colouring on her underwing is beautiful. And look at her curled tongue. Amazing. This slow pace of life has many rewards.

Photos are the author's own. 


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