in a nutshell

I just had to write a book blurb, a short summary of the plot of The Darkening Days of John Mann for its download page at Smashwords.

I had to summarise the whole story in a nutshell, I hoped for a coconut, I got a pecan. 400 characters was all I was allowed and by the time I had pointed out that this was the second story in a series I had very little room left for manoeuvre. It doesn't help that I insist on such long titles. Thank heaven then for all those precis exercises in English lessons at school.

Here is what I arrived at;
Part 2 of All The Days of John Mann. Continues the story that began in The Stolen Days of John Mann.
Choke survivor John Mann and ally Gunnar continue their search for David through a land ravaged by the fatal virus. While Dr Russell's hunt for Mann bears fruit, an unseen net tightens around them. Danger, betrayal and death are the common coin, Mann's ability to kill or cure is the ultimate prize.

A grand total of 399 characters. I might treat myself and insert a random comma somewhere just to get my money's worth.


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