
Further to my p.s. post below, in which I discuss extra author content at the back of novels.

I just finished reading The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz. It's a Sherlock Holmes novel. Brave writer, Horowitz, to step into Conan Doyle's big shoes and take on the iconic and much loved detective. There seems to be a vogue for bringing dead authors' most famous characters back to life, hasn't Sophie Hannah just done it with Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot? Fans of Sherlock (legion and rabid) needn't have worried, Horowitz has written a cracking tale from start to finish and after it has finished he treats us to some detailed notes on how he went about approaching his task, in ten rules he set himself at the outset. Interesting stuff.

And while I'm back on this topic... I heard a brilliant Aaron Sorkin interview on Radio 4's Front Row recently. Sorkin is a master of his craft, The West Wing and The Social Network amongst many others, and it was fascinating to hear him discuss his writing process.


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